Trust is an essential element of successful business transactions and a primary
factor in choosing business partners. Yet while millions of consumers have
discovered the convenience of doing business online, many do not yet trust that
eBusiness technology is capable of maintaining their privacy.
Industry studies have shown that the issue of trust online -- or rather, the lack
of trust online -- is a major hurdle that must be addressed before eBusiness can
reach its full potential. According to a Boston Consulting Group survey, there
is a direct correlation between eBusiness revenues and consumer concerns about
privacy. In fact, the relationship is so strong that eBusiness revenues could
double by 2000 if issues of privacy are successfully addressed.
Creating an online environment that consumers can trust is a serious challenge for all
eBusinesses. Those that succeed in this task stand to gain a major strategic advantage
in the condensed online marketplace.
Creating trust online is no easy task. eBusinesses must not only operate in an
ethical manner -- informing their customers as to what information is being
collected and how it will be used -- they must also defend the information they
collect from misuse. As a result, security technologies are essential to the
success of eBusiness, allowing companies to safeguard the information they collect
and to protect their assets, market share and reputation.
The purpose of this overview is to describe the eBusiness security environment and,
in particular, the challenges of meeting threats at the application level.
To download Perfecto's Application Security white paper,
click here. |