CGI Security
Gathers resources related to writing secure CGI scripts for WWW servers.
NT Web Technology Vulnerabilities, Phrack Magazine
A list of vulnerabilities in IIS web server and NT operating system. The list is only the tip of the iceberg of 3rd party products' vulnerabilities. Provided by Phrack Magazine
CGI Security Holes, Phrack Magazine
Technical description of vulnerabilities in system security exposed by the use of Common Gateway Interface (CGI). Provided by Phrack Magazine
Perl CGI problems, Phrack Magazine
Technical description of holes in CGI. Provided by Phrack Magazine
World Wide Web Security FAQ
Attempts to answer some of the most frequently asked questions relating to the security implications of running a Web server and using Web browsers.
Designed to facilitate discussion on security related topics, create security awareness,
and to provide the Internet's largest and most comprehensive database of security knowledge and resources to the public.
The Nomad Mobile Research Center's Web FAQ
This FAQ contains information about the World Wide Web to show system administrators how to improve security and prevent break-ins.
NTBugtraq is a mailing list for the discussion of security exploits and security bugs in Windows NT and its related applications.
Security Portal
A comprehensive site for security related news gathered from relevant magazines.
CERT Coordination Center
The sources listed here can provide a lot of useful information and tools.